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Paid surveys Worldwide page 3
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Keynote Research Panel
Keynote Research Panel består av over 160 000 nettbrukere. Fordi medlemmene våre er så forskjellige med hensyn til alder, bakgrunn og bosted, representerer Keynote Research Panel et troverdig sammensatt tverrsnitt av den virkelige befolkningen. I tillegg til de flotte belønningene de får for å delta, føler deltakerne i Keynote Panel at de er med på å påvirke hvordan nettet kan oppfylle behovene deres. Keynotes nettstedsevalueringer gir deg en verdifull kanal hvor du kan fortelle ledende Internett-bedrifter hvordan de kan gi brukerne sine en bedre opplevelse. Belønningene er ofte gavekort hos populære nettbutikker.
Mange av Keynotes paneldeltakere synes også det er flott å kunne sjekke ut nye, kule nettsteder før de er åpne for vanlig publikum. Nettbutikker bruker ofte Keynote som et ledd i forberedelsene med å lansere nye nettsteder, så våre paneldeltakere er mange ganger de første som får "prøvekjøre" et nytt nettsted.
Experience Dynamics
Participate in our User Research. We are dedicated to helping our clients develop new and innovative ways to put a smile on your face when you use technology, websites and software. At Experience Dynamics we live and breathe user feedback! Almost all of our user research involves hearing from end-users whether by interview, survey, or walking through a website. We are looking for all types of people: people new to the web; IT professionals; users with disabilities; people across the world (we do regular global usability studies). Incentives are between $50-$150 dollars per study depending on the scope of the study.
Your Say www.yoursay.com When YourSay receive a survey project from research companies, we will send out an email questionnaire to selected members, based on specific criteria set by the research companies. Therefore, not every member will get invited to do the same survey. Based on the answers received, the research companies will then select and contact specific members directly to invite them to participate in the survey. Thus, how soon you will receive surveys depends on the projects we receive and the match of your personal profile. As YourSay survey invitatons are sent via email, please ensure that your email address and profile are valid and up to date.
SmartPanel SmartPanel is one of the industry's largest high-quality online panels. This is your chance to earn cash and valuable prizes for your important opinions. Joining FGI's SmartPanelTM is free and only takes a few minutes. With the very first survey you take, your opinions will start to be heard by some of the largest companies in the world. It's a great opportunity to influence the products and services that are offered to you as a consumer. In addition, our SmartPanel members are eligible for great cash prizes and other rewards just for participating in surveys.
The Internet PollTM Respondents are recruited for on-line interviews on The Internet Poll via targeted e-mail lists. All the respondent needs is a connection to the World Wide Web via either an on-line service such as America Online or an Internet service provider; and a browser such as Netscape Navigator or Internet Explorer. For E-Mail surveys, all the respondent needs is a connection to an online service or other electronic mail provider. Subjects for exploration include attitudes, awareness and usage of products and services; customer satisfaction; employee morale and job satisfaction studies; and, testing of advertising and new product/service concepts, names, packages, and logos. Turn-around time is rapid and costs are significantly reduced versus more traditional methods of primary data gathering such as mall intercepts or telephone interviewing.
Welcome to Opinionate, a fresh concept in Online Opinion Polls. We believe you, the respondent, are key to our success. Our focus is on keeping you happy. We offer a wide range of interesting surveys and payout once your account balance reaches €15. Once you’ve registered, you’ll start receiving invitations to participate in our paid surveys. Our paid surveys cover a wide range of interesting topics and offer you the perfect opportunity to express your views while earning money. We offer a Cash Payment as a 'thank you' for your partipation in our surveys. Payments are made via PayPal, the global leader in online payments. Earn up to €10.00 for each survey you participate in. We will reward you with €0.35 for each new recruit that takes up your invitation. Note that there is a maximum of 10 referrals per member.
the Yale School of Management Electronic Lab This website is a part of the Yale Center for Customer Insights and hosts academic studies on a wide range of topics on individual decision making, including consumer goals and behavior, influences of marketing, interactions with culture and politics, health and public policies, and even moral and ethical issues. The researchers at Yale School of Management are conducting research that examines consumer behavior. Participation in this research will involve completing simple online surveys. A few surveys may be linked to each other in one study. You are automatically entered into the lottery for a prize once you have completed the whole study. Each of the studies has an assigned probability of winning and the prize listed on the front page of the website. The probability and the chances of winning are varied by the length of the study. The odds typically vary from 1/60 to 1/100 and the prizes vary from $25-50 in the form of an Amazon gift certificate. You will see the information on probability of winning and prize before you start any of our studies.
Panelbase panelbase.net is one of the fastest growing research communities on the internet, offering members the opportunity to provide their opinions on a range of products and services, as well as topical issues. As a registered member, you can earn rewards for participating in research studies in a variety of ways. Once your account has been created, you'll earn £3 straight away!
Executive Advisory Board
The Executive Advisory Board® is a worldwide group of managers and executives (from managers, executives and directors of smaller companies to those in the largest corporations) who help shape the future through participating in online research surveys and online discussions. The knowledge and advice of Board Members help governmental agencies, universities, and major international corporations make better informed, more intelligent decisions about economic policies and business issues, as well as the products, systems and services provided to major corporations and other businesses.
As a member of the Executive Advisory Board®, you would be paid for every online survey you complete (ranging from a minimum of $10 U.S. to $300 U.S. or more, depending on the length of the online survey). The money can be donated to a charity of your choice, or mailed directly to you. When you complete a very brief questionnaire (called a "screener") to see if you qualify for a survey, you would always have an opportunity to win lucrative cash prizes in a drawing, regardless of whether you were selected to complete the survey. Also, just for being a member, your name would be entered each month in a drawing for $250 in cash prizes.
Since April 2000, Buzzback Market Research, headquartered in New York, NY and now operating in Europe, has provided full service online market research solutions to our clients. At BuzzBack, we develop and implement new tools and technologies to provide fast, meaningful and actionable insights via more efficient and engaging consumer experiences.
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