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Paid surveys Worldwide page 14
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There are several research projects ongoing in the lab that require research volunteers. Many of these are on-line studies that are open to people anywhere in the world, whereas others are specifically for people living in the Windsor/Detroit area. Some offer a chance to win gift cards.
3CEtudes North Africa/midle east
في دراسة التسويق. وينفرد بالشغل مع السوق الفرنسية منذ خمس سنوات.
ومنذ سنة 2006 إنفتحت " 3 س للدراسات " على أسواق شمال إفريقيا. وإفريقيا، وبلدان الشرق الأوسط بإنجاز دراسات كميّة وكيفية. كما إنفتحت أيضا على السوق الألمانية والإيطالية والإسبانية والسويسرية والبلجيكية. ويتم إنجاز الدراسات بلغة البلد الحريف.
يوجه المعهد أولى إهتماماته نحو الدراسات الطبية إذ يخصص لها قسما كاملا، ذلك بالإضافة للقطاعات الزراعية والغذائية والقطاع البنكي والتأمين والتوزيع.
تشغل الشركة كفاءات ذات خبرة عالية وموظفين إداريين وفنيين عالميين. كما توفر خدمات ذات جودة للحرفاء والمعاهد وشركات الإعلانات التجارية المعروفة بشكل دائم ومستمر.
هل تريدون الانضمام إلى فريق عملنا ؟
إذا أردتم الإنضمام إلى فريق عملنا والمشاركة في الأبحاث التي تنجزها " 3 س للدراسات " نرجو منكم توجيه مطالبكم بتعمير المطبوعة التالية:
Try new perfumes
Try new perfumes regularly proposes surveys for major perfume, cosmetics and mail order beauty products brands etc.
Already, over 100,000 members in more than 70 countries give their opinion regularly, contributing to the improvement of products and services in the field of cosmetology.
Our surveys have a wide range of themes, such as the degree of attractiveness of a perfume bottle for example, or the effectiveness of a product.
As a member of our research panel you could be eligible for prizes and honorariums to participate in surveys and focus groups*. We are currently seeking IT and Marketing Professionals at large and mid-sized corporations to join our panel. Please complete the following form to join.
Once registered, we will contact you when there is a research project which could use your assistance. At that time we will ask you a few questions to ensure you fit the profile of respondents desired for the survey. You will also be notified if there is an honorarium for participation. You will have a chance to understand the survey topic and intent prior to accepting the survey interview.
Your contact information will only be used for market research projects and will never be sold, used for any sort of marketing purpose, or otherwise distributed outside of Exponential Edge, Inc. or its research partners
Das WiSo-Panel ist ein wissenschaftliches Forschungsprojekt der Universitäten Erlangen-Nürnberg und Würzburg. Hier werden Sie von Zeit zu Zeit in niveauvollen Befragungen und Tests über Ihre Ansichten und Wünsche zu verschiedenen, insb. psychologischen Themen befragt. Ihre Teilnahme dient nicht-kommerziellen Zwecken! Für Ihre Mitarbeit werden Sie mit Geschenken, Geld und Verlosungen oder Einsicht in die Ergebnisse unserer Forschungsarbeiten belohnt. Ihre Anmeldung im WiSo-Panel ist unverbindlich und kostenfrei. Sie können Ihre Teilnahme jederzeit beenden. Ihre Daten werden vertraulich behandelt. Über diese Kurzbeschreibung hinausgehend, können Sie sich ausführlicher über das linksseitige Menü informieren.
ALC Research Worldwide is solely focused on conducting online surveys and music research. We feel that in today's fast paced - need to know world the only why to get the information you need for actionable results is to conduct your research on the Internet. Your results will be in your hands in a matter of days - not weeks.
En devenant membre d'EURO-VOTE, vous pouvez :
Soutenir un projet responsable de votre choix, en répondant à nos enquêtes,
Naviguer plus facilement, en ayant accès aux zones reservées aux membres,
Accéder à un statut de décideur en cumulant des points Euro-Cote. Ils vous permettront de prendre part au fonctionnement d'une entreprise responsable.
Being a member of the Brownfield Renewal Opinion Panel allows you to set the tone for where your industry is heading, gives you access to important online resources and you'll have the chance to gain a first look at new research results and product offerings. Have we piqued your interest? Fill out the form below if you are would like more information on joining the Opinion Panel.
Weber Marketing und Marktforschung (WMM) domiciled in Hamburg, Germany, is working for you in the entire federal territory of Germany as well as in other European countries. As a modern field service provider and market research agency we are assisting our customers in successful organisation, implementation and optimisation of their studies. This among other things comprises recruiting of test persons, procuring of studios, telephonic interviews and online surveys.
as a market research agency we will refer you as a test person, participant, tester of goods or market research participant to our customers. These include among others market research institutes, usability labs and advertising agencies, design developers as well as enterprises from industry, trade and the services sector. If you would like to register in our database free of charge and without obligation as a test person, participant and/or person interested in market research (your data is not passed on to any third party), kindly fill in our registration form or contact us. As soon as a suitable market research study is available, we will contact you.
USA, UK, Ireland, Norway, Sweden, Germany, Austria, Switzerland, Czech Republic, Denmark, Finland, France, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Netherland, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Spain, Turkey, Ukraine
ExecutiveOpinion provides a way for you to stay up-to-date on current business trends and predictions for the coming quarters. You will be compensated for your completed online interviews. Please note that as a result of joining ExecutiveOpinion your personal contact information will never be shared with any third-parties and you will not receive any spam.
ExecutiveOpinion's objective is to provide business professionals with the opportunity to shape the future of business products, services and trends by participating in online interviews. We are devoted to the continual improvement of the business world by bringing together business professionals and decision makers with the companies that need their opinions to thrive. ExecutiveOpinion's development and approach have been deeply influenced by business leaders and members of the business community at large.
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