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Paid Online Surveys

Plačan raziskovanj v Sloveniji



GlobalTestMarket was designed to give you the opportunity to get paid for directly influencing global market research. In partnership with top companies around the world, our online surveys offer you the ability to help influence the development of products and services that you use every day. Founded in 1999, GlobalTestMarket is powered by GMI (Global Market Insite, Inc.), one of the world's leading providers of market research. GMI serves more than 1400 clients in more than 60 countries worldwide, and provides a global solution for companies that wish to conduct online consumer research across multiple countries. This site was built to serve our participants around the world. Clients are only permitted to seek your opinions and preferences about relevant topics. Your contact information will not be shared and you will not be the target of marketing messages in any form as a result of joining GlobalTestMarket or visiting this site.

GlobalTestMarket will reward you with MarketPoints for every online survey you complete. The value of MarketPoints is fixed against the U.S. Dollar at five cents per MarketPoint. Once you reach 1,000 MarketPoints, you can redeem your balance and we will send you a personal check.


Get Paid To Take Surveys - Join e-Research-Global.com
Members pay no fees ever to join and to take online surveys for money. Free registration and membership for paid surveys.
Must be 16 years or older to join the e-Research-Global.com's Consumer Paid Surveys Panel to take paid surveys and earn money.
Members may participate in paid online surveys for money (online questionnaires for money), online focus groups and new product testing for money.
Members can refer new members using their member referral link, and be paid cash for their referral's completed surveys.
We send email invitations to take online surveys to make money. For our e-RG/Elite Panel a survey App is available for download. For some countries and languages there are also paid surveys for cash in the member's portal/account.
For a completed survey, members are paid with money as a reward. The amount of the cash reward varies from survey to survey depending on the time and difficulty of the online paid survey.
Members are eligible to redeem cash rewards once they have earned $2.00 USD for completed online surveys. We pay using PayPal.com. For our e-RG/Elite Panel, members need 100 points to receive cash reward through PayPal.


GfK Slovenija
GfK Slovenija je vodilno slovensko tržno-raziskovalno podjetje za ad-hoc raziskave in podružnica  enega največjih globalnih tržno-raziskovalnih podjetij - GfK Group, ki nudi tržno-raziskovalne storitve v  114 državah sveta. GFK Slovenija je tudi eden izmed ustanoviteljev in solastnik v AGB Nielsen Media Research, ki je vodilno podjetje za medijske raziskave v Sloveniji.

Spletne trženjske raziskave
V sodobnem svetu, ki temelji na visoko razvitih tehnologijah, globalizaciji, medsebojnih hitrih povezavah in mednarodni konkurenčnosti, so v prednosti tisti, ki zmorejo in znajo stopiti pred nove izzive. Spletne trženjske raziskave so del naše sedanjosti in prihodnosti, zato vas vabimo, da s svojim sodelovanjem in izražanjem mnenj pomembno prispevate k poslovnim odločitvam podjetij in organizacij, ki vsakodnevno delujejo v domačem in tujem gospodarskem prostoru.

Postanite član panela Ask GfK
Članstvo v panelu Ask GfK je brezplačno. Za prijavo je treba izpolniti registracijski vprašalnik, na podlagi katerega boste povabljeni k sodelovanju v različnih vrstah raziskav. Zagotavljamo vam 100-odstotno anonimnost. Za dostop do dokumentov, ki so povezani z varnostjo podatkov, kliknite tukaj.

Vaše sodelovanje bo nagrajeno
Vaše sodelovanje je nagrajeno s točkami, ki jih lahko zamenjate za denar ali vrednostne bone. Ko je doseženo določeno število točk, vam bomo njihovo protivrednost v denarju nakazali na vaš transakcijski račun ali pa vam bomo poslali vrednostni bon. Za več informacij kliknite tukaj.



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